Upcoming Events
- Tue, 21 NovDakhla, Morocco
- Sat, 05 NovLAX Dance Studio
- Sun, 07 AugOslo
- Mon, 25 AprINEX Milano
- Sun, 21 NovParis
- Mon, 24 MayMonte Velho
- Sun, 04 OctVilla Eden, Hossegor
- Thu, 01 OctVilla Eden, Hossegor
I have just arrived in Oslo and I'm super excited to find new places to work and meet new people who want help on their fitness journey.
I am a former international rower and now personal trainer. I coach one-on-one training sessions -online and in the gym- and I give Pilates Fusion® classes at The Zone Dance Studio in Oslo.
I deeply believe that everyone can and SHOULD feel AMAZING in their body : you only get one, take care of it and LOVE IT !
Training and having a healthy body comes in lots of shapes, sizes, programs and sports : you just need to find the one that fits you.
Let me help you find YOUR way of being, and STAYING healthy !


Personal Training SATS
I create 100% personalised workouts to get you where you want to be, adapting to your bodies needs (mobility, strength, past injuries) and what you think is fun. You can find me at SATS Carl Berner in Oslo.
I specialise in :
Strength training & weightlifting
Deep core & Mobility
Performance endurance (rowing, running)

Build Confidence
Join us on your journey to self confidence and self love. My Retreats are based on Pilates Fusion classes & self confidence workshops to help you learn how to ROCK YOUR WORLD !
Next retreat is in French but stay tuned for events, workshops and retreats in English coming up soon.
Check out next events here.
Loading days...
10 eurosLoading days...
1 hr
www.thezone.noBook through the SATS app or website (PT-> search for your PT -> Alice Mayne)
55 min
120 euros
I'm a coach, a personal trainer, project manager and event organiser. I love working in different contexts, being part of a team, and learning new skills.
If you think I fit the job, could match your team and you're interested in hiring me please contact me via email.
You can get an overview of some of my work and my curriculum by clicking on "Learn More".

Alice helped me get back in shape in 2019 : I got the results I wanted but what I loved the most was that the content was really fun. Each session was different, I learned to love weightlifting and even yoga!
Andy, 43, United Kingdom
" Mi alleno con Alice da più o meno sei mesi. Che dire? Un mix esplosivo di competenza, simpatia e carica.
Oltre a creare ad hoc ogni volta un allenamento differente in base alle tue necessità, ha la capacità di motivarti e caricarti come pochi riescono a fare.
Cosa più importante: ti mette SEMPRE di buonumore :) Unica! "
Eleonora, Milano
"Alice à un dynamisme hors normes qui nous contamine. Personnellement, le travail avec elle a été une révélation dans la redécouverte de mon corps pour apprendre à l'apprécier d'avantage, à le modeler, et me permettre progressivement de reprendre confiance en moi"
Marie-Pierre, Hossegor